001. 002. 003. 004. 005. ©
01. caught in a landslide
Wrinkling noses and knuckles rubbing against groggy eyes, vision strained by the bright sunlight, stark against the white wood of the kitchen table. Knees bumping against each other, followed by giggles as two girls seated themselves at the table for breakfast, both hopeful the man behind the newspaper would offer a sip of coffee without being chided about it stunting their growth. Those were the memories Kyungri wished came to mind more often. Those early years of childhood where the word family was defined. In retrospect those years seemed short-lived. Father, mother, step-sister and herself living harmoniously under one roof. Harmony can only last so long, in her case only eight years long.

The demise of the happiness of her family came on a rainy day. Like any pair of diligent parents, they were not about to allow the girls to walk home in such conditions. Arrangements had been made for their father to pick up the girls after school, but when those plans had fallen through, their mother took the responsibility instead. Only their mother never made it after school, not that day, or the day after, nor would she make it for any other day.

Unable to communicate with either parent, a teacher took pity on the anxious girls, offering them a ride home. What they hoped to be a mix-up that could easily be cleared up once they arrived home, turned out to be a disaster instead. Their father did not make it home until hours past their usual bedtime. What with both parents missing and nowhere to be found, neither could get to sleep, huddled on the couch instead, the television on, more for the background noise it offered, than anything. (It was better to focus on something to tune out, rather than the low ominous hum silence always seemed to become in moments like these.

He seemed a stranger, their father. Face fallen, there was no smile to be found in greeting as both girls rushed up to meet him, only muttering the words "She's dead," as he shuffled past the apartment's entrance, leaving the girls bewildered as he trekked wet footprints through the apartment to his bedroom. It would be a week before they would see him emerge from his bedroom, their aunt stopping by to make sure he and the girls had eaten. Her visits were always short lived, as she was never the a favorite aunt, for that at least the girls were grateful.

Days where sun slipped past the slits in the blinds and spread onto the table were no longer any consolation. Even if the kitchen was still bustling with the activity of the three readying for the day, there was always the empty seat no one would fill.

Eventually the seat did become occupied, but no one could quite fill the void. Their father remarried two years after the death of their mother. There were no complaints toward their new step-mother, she was lovely, always attentive and ready to respond to any conflicts, even if both girls were not her own. Their father, however, never seemed to have rebounded from the loss, becoming an ominous presence, rather than a cheerful one. Kyungri was not sure, but she always suspected he harbored feelings of resentment toward her step-sister and herself, given the circumstances that brought about the death. It was that suspected resentment that she believed he was trying to drown with the endless bottles of liquor he consumed.

Slurred speech soon became raised fists and raised fists became purple stains their step-mother hid with excess clothing. For as violent as he became, he never raised a hand to either Kyungri or her sister. However, that only lasted about ten months. Fists were something she had become accustomed to, something which she eventually became accustomed to. What caused her the most discomfort was not the pain that came with the beatings, but the ease with which she seemed to accept them. She had lost count of the amount of beatings she had received, but it was a certain week where she had one too many that her step-mother, already having taken a beating of her own, came between Kyungri and the fists of her father. Ushered away, she managed to scurry under the table, the passing thought that at least her sister was not home yet bringing her brief comfort before she heard her step-mother's pleas. Knees hugged toward her chest, eyes squeezed shut against her knees, the last thing she remembers is the thought that the man beyond the table cloth was not her father, that the man beyond the table cloth was one she wished was dead. As far as wishes went, she never recalls one ever coming true as quickly as that one did. However, it failed to come true soon enough.

Her father was gone, vanished into thin air. The screaming, the incessant sound of shallow breathing was gone. Emerging from under the table, her father was nowhere to be found. Her step-mother however, lay still on the linoleum floor, much too still.

Everything else faded into a flash of white, the only thing clear enough to recall was the sound of the sirens. How she had made the phone call to summon them, she never knew.

In the aftermath of losing both their parents, their aunt took charge of the girls. Their new home situation fell somewhere in the middle - incomparable to life when their mother still lived, but nowhere near as bad as the life they had come to lead in the wake of her death. Their aunt was controlling and strict. If any of her set rules were broken there was sure to be punishments. But with this system of punishments there came no rewards for abiding by the rules. Rewards of course were the least of Kyungri's worries, distraught more so by the lack of affection in their new home than anything else.

Her sister withdrew as well. Being four years older, she was able to enroll in many after school activities and not too long after that, apply for work as well. This left Kyungri alone at home more often than not. As far as Kyungri was concerned, the sound of the television and the voice of her aunt on the phone offered little to no company at all.

What her loneliness offered her was time. It was more than sufficient to complete all her school work and still have time for other activities. Even though she had not touched the sewing machine since the death of her mother, she had still brought it along when they moved into their aunt's house, along with the fabric her mother had left behind. With nothing else to fill her time, she began experimenting. She knew enough about basic measurements to start off something, but completing an article of clothing completely was something she had never fully bothered herself at the age of eight when her mother was still alive.

Her curiosity soon turned into a hobby, one that would get her through those lonely nights after school.

However, her newfound hobby was not the only new thing she had discovered. Though she was still puzzled about the disappearance of her father and how it had happened, she knew she had been the cause of it. Though that fact had been fought by her skepticism, later events finally made it clear that the event had been her doing. Bringing her fantasies to life became easy enough as long as she focused. They offered the company she longed for and kept her busy after her fingers finally began to cramp from whatever new project she had picked up.

Toying with her abilities did not last long, however. At some point she convinced herself it was best not to focus on such things. After all, such a thing had brought about the demise of her father. (Whether he was alive somewhere or dead was something she mulled over every now and then) Aside from the obvious dangers that came with it, as she grew older, she realized her loneliness mixed in with such an ability could easily blur the lines between was was real and what was not. It was not something she wanted to become dependent upon.

Luckily, five years later, at the age of sixteen, she was able to move away from her aunt's house. Her step-sister, having turned twenty had made plans to move out and of course had offered Kyungri a new home as well. What with all they had been through, it seemed too cruel to leave Kyungri all alone in a home where she was barely even acknowledged.

So it was, that she went on to move in with her elder sister, picking up a part time job to occupy her time when she was not in school, or studying. The years they spent together were happy ones, her sister more inclined to be home in the evenings now that they no longer lived in their aunt's home. They were a happy four years, filled with late nights of laughter. A sound which Kyungri had come to find foreign once again became regular and plentiful.

Four years went by living with her sister before Kyungri finally decided to move out on her own. Work, school, and boys filled her life. Unfortunately not all of those things would always bring joy, but they never brought upon the despair she had known years before. Even the few breakups she inevitably had to go through never compared to the pain she had felt in her childhood.

Life was looking up, memories of days at her aunt’s and her father’s beatings fading, no longer at the surface. The best celebration came in the form of finally finding a steady job. As with most auditions, it was something uncertain - in this type of business, there was always someone out there who was better - as had been the case with her previous four try-outs. Dragging her feet on the walk home, she had not expected a pick-me-up in the form of a callback so soon. Sure, it was just her voice they wanted for now, but it was better than working retail.

So began her exploration of the entertainment business. Getting her feet wet with voice acting soon turned into other gigs, adding video jockey to her many titles. Soon after, her voice was not the only thing sought after, offers for small parts in films or television coming through.

Such exposure made her quite popular on the internet, where she had taken to sharing the hobby she had picked up during the time at her aunt's. The struggles she had with clothing before seemed nonexistent now, intricate new outfits mirroring those of video game and anime characters had come to life.

Overall, life was coming together nicely. Of course, there had to be some drawbacks and a few of them came in the form of men. A striving actor she had met while auditioning was the first to capture her heart. It only took a matter of weeks for her to weak in the knees at the sight of him, but like all relationships where one falls too quickly, the other does not fall at all. The break was difficult, at least on her, but like all things, time managed to heal that wound.

The worst breakup came in the form of Seo Kangjoon. This time instead of falling alone, she had company. The traits she abhorred in her aunt seemed to come out around Kangjoon. Perhaps it was a defense mechanism…she was unsure, what she was sure of was that those neurotic behaviors finally brought about the loss of something she was so eager to hold on to. Needless to say, it did not turn out to be the best of endings.

Endings were something Kyungri refused to allow to define her life. Instead of dwelling on the past for too long, she looked toward the future. Finding love was definitely a goal, but one that was placed on the back burner. Love could always be found and knowing that sometimes it had a way of finding you was enough consolation to focus instead on her career. If she was to meet her own goals and make herself proud, certain things had to be put on hold.

With only work to fill her time, life became less chaotic. However, the toll that comes with attempting to reach the goal of one day being a headlining actress keeps things interesting enough for now.

02. is this just fantasy?
The question of whether or not the current state of things is a dream or not is one that Kyungri constantly poses. Able to manipulate the boundary between fantasy and reality, there are moments where Kyungri's unsure which side of the boundary she's on.

By simply thinking of or longing for something, its existence is made possible. Even the impossible can be brought to life, the only hindrance being the limits of her imagination. Any fantasies can be brought to life to play out independently, or certain aspects of it can be woven subtly into everyday life. Thus, she is able to rearrange things which already exist in any way she might like, or create something entirely new, if what is already available does not suffice.

Changing what already exists and bringing about the existence of new things is only the beginning of her ability. With her ability to create comes an ability to erase as well. Being able to twist reality to her liking, she can erase, or at least banish existing things to another dimension. This is a skill she has only used once, accidentally. Being that she is still unsure of how exactly to tap into different dimensions - (or whether or not they exist at all, or the glimpses she's had have been figments of her own imagination come to life) - it's something she doesn't toy with.

With the boundary between reality and fantasy being so easily manipulated, her abilities are usually not used willfully. Most instances in which she's found herself creating or rearranging things have been upon waking from vivid dreams, without the knowledge of her manipulations. She exercises the utmost caution, aware that her thoughts alone can be enough to bring about change if she focuses on it enough.

03. look up to the skies & see
Lives in in Hangangro.

Owns a Persian named Mami.

Drives a 2013 Infiniti Q60 Convertible.

She plays videogames to de-stress.

Enjoys reading comic books.

She has reached over 200k followers on her cosplay Instagram account.

She cannot leave home without first making her bed.

She makes it a goal to watch at least one film a week ("studying for work" is what she calls it). Her favorite films are animated.

Enjoys reading and watching titles categorized in the Fantasy genre.

She is in the process of learning English, making an effort to use it whenever she can.

She wears an opal ring that used to belong to her mother. If it's not seen on her finger, she is usually wearing it on a silver chain.

twitter aim
04. so you think you can love me?
jin jihee
father. location/status unknown.
na sungmi
biological mother. deceased.
kim misook
not so favorite aunt. guardian from ages 11-16.
park minyoung
older step-sister from her mother's previous relationship. still keeps in touch.
kang haneul
the first guy she ever fell for. the break up was tough, but they're on amicable terms and still keep in touch.
seo kangjoon
it was something like love at first sight, but such cliches never last. their "endings" never seem to be quite that.
Choi Minki
Met while working at the last World's in Seoul. Their friendship has gone on since then with no bumps in the road.